Official (2x4)

Quaterfinal 1


6 - 0

Official '


First Half Netherlands Spain 35'
Second Half Netherlands Spain 70'


Team Minute Shirt # Player Action Score
Netherlands 10 19 van der MEER Elizabeth Penalty Corner 1 - 0
Netherlands 15 7 DEMIR Suze Field Goal 2 - 0
Netherlands 30 12 KLEINE Nisa Field Goal 3 - 0
Netherlands 46 6 de la RIVE Laura Field Goal 4 - 0
Netherlands 55 19 van der MEER Elizabeth Penalty Corner 5 - 0
Netherlands 63 9 HOLLANDER Lana Penalty Corner 6 - 0

Card Detail

G - Green, Y - Yellow, R - Red
Team Minute Shirt # Player Type Umpire
Spain 34 6 CORDERO Beatriz G KAMARUL Dayang (MAS)
Spain 67 5 BURGOS Irene G KAMARUL Dayang (MAS)

Match Officials

Role Official
Umpire KRIS Shany (AUS)
Umpire KAMARUL Dayang (MAS)
Reserve Umpire ALBINUS Anouk (CAN)
Video Umpire HEATHCOTE Shanon (NZL)
Scoring Judge HILLL Blanche (CAN)
Timing Judge GREEN Cordie (CAN)
Technical Officer BORER Josiane (CAN)
Tournament Director HEANEY Evelyn (ENG)

Head to Head Matches

Senior Womens Outdoor
Competition Details Date/Time Teams Pitch Status Scoreline
In Progress (1x6) Senior Womens Outdoor 5 Oct 2015 18:00 NED v ESP (Round Robin) Pitch 1 Upcoming - Lineup
Official (2x4) Senior Womens Outdoor 9 Sep 2015 10:00 NED v ESP (Quaterfinal 1) East Pitch Official 6 - 0 Lineup

Match Details

Competition Official (2x4)
Senior Womens Outdoor
Match # 13
Date/Time 2015-09-09 10:00
Title Quaterfinal 1
Venue University of Toronto - East Pitch

Match Awards

Award Player Team